Lean HE (UK) North & Midlands Group - Exploring Lean Competencies in Higher Education 17 July University of Leeds

Post date: Jun 7, 2018 11:39:53 AM

The theme for this session is competencies and we will be exploring the traits, skills, qualifications and experiences of a Lean practitioner within a higher education environment. This will be an interactive session where we hope to draw on knowledge and expertise from across the sector and we will specifically focus on the following questions:

• How does a newly trained Lean "improver" progress in their training and experiences to 'graduate' as a "practitioner"?

• What would a development journey for a lean practitioner look like? What are the milestones and how do they know they are on a journey?

• Is hands on experience enough or is some formal appraisal required?

• How are individuals identified as a person capable of being a Lean practitioner? We will also explore the range of routes that lead into these roles e.g. HR, IT, training, HE administration.

We are hoping as many people from across the sector can attend so that we can share ideas and start to build a picture of the various experiences and career pathways we have in the sector. Information from this session will help inform how we develop the Lean HE North and Midlands network, in particular to help shape our seminars going forward and also explore whether we can share training and development opportunities across the sector.

Lunch is provided and there is the opportunity to network. Seminar starts 12.45 and ends 3.30 pm.

To book you place click on this link:
