LeanHE-England event - bookings now open!!
Post date: Aug 2, 2019 9:40:06 AM
We're pleased and excited to let you know that bookings are now open for the first joint event of the regional groups, Lean HE North and Midlands, and Lean HE London and South
Date: Wednesday September 4th 2019
Location: University of Cambridge
Theme: Developing a CI Community
This interactive event will combine practical workshop sessions, informative talks and networking opportunities to explore themes related to developing a CI community in a Higher Education setting. Suitable for practitioners, leaders or anyone with an interest in Lean or continuous improvement, the event will be an opportunity to learn and share with like-minded colleagues.
Follow this link to find full details and register your place: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/lean-in-he-developing-a-ci-community-tickets-66998051977?utm_term=eventurl_text
Feel free to share this link with colleagues - you do not need to be a member of either group to come along - if you've got an interest in Lean or continuous improvement then we'd love to meet you!