Lean Culture in Higher Education - Towards Continuous Improvement
Post date: Mar 15, 2019 3:31:28 PM
Our Lean HE Europe colleague Justyna Maciag has recently published a book titled "Lean Culture in Higher Education - Towards Continuous Improvement".
The objective of this book is to present the results of Justyna's research in the form of an original Lean culture model and a tool based on this model and used to examine Lean culture maturity in higher education institutions. It is difficult to assess changes taking place in organizational culture. Such assessment requires going beyond the traditional functionalist research perspective and adopting a new research approach based on the interpretative-symbolic paradigm. This makes it possible to broaden research on Lean culture with the humanistic perspective.
The execution of Justyna's research project would have been impossible without support of the members of the international network LeanHE network, in particular Rachel McAssey formerly of the University of Sheffield; Steve Yorkstone from Edinburgh Napier University; Marilyn Thompson and Kimberley Snage from University of Waterloo; Dr Tammi Sinha from University of Winchester; Svein Are Tjeldnes from Arctic University of Norway; José Franken from University of Twente; and Mr Vincent Wiegel from HAN University of Applied Sciences.