Exploring Demand and Capacity in HE - Lean North & Midlands group
Post date: May 16, 2019 2:41:38 PM
Newcastle University hosted a networking seminar on 12th February 2019. The theme for the seminar was Exploring Demand & Capacity in HE and examples were shared of how demand and capacity thinking had been applied.
After an overview about the work of the Change Team and approach to business process improvement at Newcastle University, 3 case studies were presented where teams had been supported to deliver their services more effectively through a better understanding about the demand for their services and their capacity to deliver to customer needs. Various tools and templates were shared including a demand and capacity template, activity trackers and prioritisation matrix.
Participants discussed how they could use these tools and shared examples of how they had applied demand and capacity thinking and the tools they had used. We rounded off the day with cake and further networking.
For further information about seminars hosted by the North and Midlands group please subscribe to the mailing list - details at the top of the page.